Born originally out of a burden for women rescued from the sex trafficking, Atulya today also welcomes young women from various backgrounds of distress such as labour trafficking, abuse, domestic violence, bonded labor, and poverty.
The home's mission is to see women experience healing, to gain freedom from the past, to be restored to their full potential, and to be enabled to move on with their lives. Over the years Atulya has welcomed many such women, giving them shelter and guidance and equipping them to become independent.
Atulya is recognized by the Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of NCT Delhi.
The story of Atulya Home
Our Approach
Atulya receives women above 18 years of age.
At Atulya we maintain an environment designed to help women grow in many areas of their lives, including education, vocation, relationships, emotional health, and life skills. On average, each woman stays with us for 3 years.
After their graduation, many women move onto further studies. Some move into semi-independent settings where they have jobs.
Women at Atulya also engage in training activities such as baking, jewelry making, and sewing. They grow in the character qualities and skills needed to hold a job in the future. They learn to cook, clean, and beautify their own living spaces as part of becoming equipped for independent living as future graduates from the home.
We Provide...
Vocational Training
Life Skills Training
Medical Care
Legal Support
Trauma Counseling
Creative Therapy